
Anodizing Services
[Years: 92-13]

Anodizing Services
Allow us to anodize your pre-prepped surfaces! These finished look great, and protect the surface very well over time from minor scratches. Anodizing keeps the surface finish in tact- a polished aluminum part will remain polished, while a matte finish will remain the same.

This charge will anodize up to 4 small pieces, in any of the available colors, and cover the return shipment to you via Ground. You can also add prep work such as polishing and purchase in tandem. Please contact us for larger or items not shown, or for matte or other type prep work.

Please select color below. Picture shown is a Polished rail with Orange anodizing.

Available Options:


Forced Induction-> (78)
Engine Parts-> (76)
  Appearance (5)
  Blocks & Internals (17)
  Cooling (1)
  Exhaust (7)
  Fuel (10)
  Gaskets (11)
  Heads & Valvetrain (12)
  Ignition (4)
  Intake (3)
  Oiling (6)
Electronics-> (26)
Drivetrain-> (7)
Braking-> (7)
Accessories-> (17)
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