January 2025:

Yeah... its been a while since I updated anything on this ancient website. But, here we are! Happy 2025! I will take this oppotunity to say that a new group of websites will be coming this year. Some of the twists and turns of business over the last decade have changed our focus areas to the point that we are barely recognizable compared to what we once were. What started as a Performance Shop has transformed into the premier Viper PCM & control module remanufacturer and Diagnostic Specialist, with a side of Professional Motorsports Electronics & Custom Engine Design. Apparently my attention to detail and OCD nature are better suited to the more complicated and problematic end of things, ha.

As our markets have fluctuated, so have our capabilties. While this move south has cost us some of our machined products and mechanical capabilties for a while, we have picked up some new ones; DRBIII, WiTech, ELM, VehicleSpy, Hydraulic Hose Production, Laser Cutting, Laser Engraving, and soon 3D Printing & 3D Scanning. These capabilties will aid not only in advanced diagnostics keeping these cars on the road, but also the ability to rapid-prototype and work towards getting some of the unavailable parts back into this market. As I nail down where I want to go with all of this in the future, I will put together a replacement set of websites that is more streamlined based on market divisions. Hopefully 2025 is better than 2024... it wont have to try very hard!

Drive Life.